All resources in School Counselors

Frequency Data Observation Tool

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This tool is a simple way to collect some data on the frequency of a desired or undesired behavior prior to a lesson or intervention. For example, if a teacher shares that calling out is a major concern you could observe a lesson for 30 minutes and record the number of times students call out during that time (by putting a check mark in a circle). Then after delivering instruction on the importance of being respectful and not interupting instruction do an observation for the same time period and see if there was improvement!NOTE: You could also as a teacher to collect the data for you!

Material Type: Assessment

Author: Sarah Bazemore

English Learner Resource Document

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The purpose of this document is to provide school counselors, English language learner educators, and administrators with best practices, technical guidance, and resources to support the identification, placement, and scheduling of ELs in grades K-12. School divisions should use this document as a resource for the creation of local policies. Updates to the content included in this document will be ongoing as policies and procedures change in an effort to maintain efficacy and accountability.Once students have registered for school, counselors, English language learner educators, and administrators have the responsibility to accurately identify students as ELs in a timely manner. Identification begins with administering the approved questions, developed in conjunction with the USED Office for Civil Rights and the U.S. Department of Justice and adopted by Virginia, on enrollment forms or a Home Language Survey to determine if a student is in need of English language screening. If determined eligible according to the identifying questions, the student should be screened for English language program eligibility; and scheduled into appropriate classes if classified as an EL.

Material Type: Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Sarah Bazemore

Suggested Best Practices on the Provision of Direct Counseling Services

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Principals’ Memo #1014-19In response to stakeholder requests, the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) convened a stakeholder group comprised of school counselors and division administrators and incorporated best practices from the state and national levels. The Suggested Best Practices on the Provision of Direct Counseling Services may be used by school divisions to help in facilitating the work that school counselors are trained to do in schools as it relates to direct counseling services. The information contained in the document serves as guidance only. School divisions ultimately have the discretion on how they interpret and operationalize the school counselor’s work around “direct counseling services,” as outlined in HB 1729.

Material Type: Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Sarah Bazemore

School Counselors are not Guidance Counselors Infographic

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This shift in terminology is intentional and important as it denotes an evolution in the profession. With the rise in mental health and behavioral challenges facing Virginia students, the work school counselors do is more critical than ever. As mental health professionals, school counselors work alongside school staff, families, and community partners to create a school climate that leads to healthy learning, living, and growth.

Material Type: Reading

Author: Sarah Bazemore