All resources in Science 7 - Phillips - 5-6(B)

Cellular Hydration unavailable

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Students will conduct an experiment to examine how the process of osmosis affects the functioning of cells in the body. Students will observe, test and retest the change a vegetable undergoes when it sits in salt water and then put back in fresh water. Students then connect the process of hydration/dehydration to their own life and why they feel thirsty after eating salty foods.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Cellular Soap Opera unavailable

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Every cell in your body needs to take in nutrients, oxygen, and raw materials and export wastes and other substances—but it’s not just a random traffic jam! A cell membrane (also called a plasma membrane) regulates what comes in and what goes out. Explore the properties of soap films and relate them to the properties of plasma membranes and the mechanics of transport across membranes.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Inside the DNA unavailable

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Students conduct their own research to discover and understand the methods designed by engineers and used by scientists to analyze or validate the molecular structure of DNA, proteins and enzymes, as well as basic information about gel electrophoresis and DNA identification. In this computer-based activity, students investigate particular molecular imaging technologies, such as x-ray, atomic force microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and create short PowerPoint presentations that address key points. The presentations include their own explanations of the difference between molecular imaging and gel electrophoresis.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Authors: Mircea Ionescu, Myla Van Duyn