Tips for the Writing SOL: Conclusions

This is a quick reference guide for students as they use effective conclusion strategies while crafting essays in response to persuasive writing tasks, such as the EOC Writing SOL. The resource includes various strategies that students can deploy when concluding an essay and an exemplar paragraph based on a released SOL prompt.  The resource has been revised from the original (provided below) to adjust and add to the suggestions and simplify the model paragraph for struggling students.  An interactive exercise and suggestion for practice have been added as well.  A Microsoft Word version is provided under the content, which presents info in one printable page for students. 


Think about the benefits of working with a group or working alone. Which do you feel is more beneficial? Write to convince your teacher of your preference, either to work with a group or to work alone. Support your position with reasons and specific examples.



Allowing students to work in groups is the logical, practical choice for teachers to make. They will see that benefits to group work far outweigh any potential challenges since students will be more engaged when they are allowed different ways to access and demonstrate their understanding of the material. They will be motivated by other students and see multiple perspectives on issues. They will learn key problem solving and communication skills. Overall, there are opportunities through group work for teachers to increase student learning and better prepare their students for the real life challenges ahead of them. If those weren't good enough reasons to embrace group work, teachers should think about how they will even decrease their own work load since students will help answer each other's questions, and there will be fewer final products to grade.  Increasing opportunities for group work benefits everyone in the classroom.



Tell the audience how they should change their attitude or behavior.


Define, explain, and defend a strong, realistic solution to the issue.


In fresh words, restate the reasons for your position.


Offer a warning or encouragement about what may happen as a result of solving (or not solving) this issue.

Think about it:

Circle text in the paragraphs and draw an arrow to the strategy it demonstrates.

Try it out:

Choose a released SOL Promptand try out using the strategies yourself.

Printable or Editable Microsoft Word Version:

Download: Hacking_the_Writing_SOL_Conclusions_Revised_11.19_DDD.docx

This resource was adapted from this original by Margaret Harris-Shoats:

Download: Hacking_the_Writing_SOL_Conclusions.pdf

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