Internet Safety Resources

To emphasize the essential role of technologies in the learning experiences of students, the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) is committed to helping school boards develop and implement internet safety policies and programs. Safeguarding students remains the utmost priority, even though the task may seem formidable. Leaders must actively address this imperative. The dynamic evolution of the internet underscores the significance of this responsibility for all community members.


Purpose: The Department developed the “Model Policy Concerning Internet Safety” in response to § 22.1-24.1. Internet Safety Advisory Council with input as required by the law from individuals and organizations throughout the Commonwealth and beyond. It represents the knowledge and perspectives of teachers, researchers, law enforcement, nonprofit organizations, as well as local, state, and federal representatives. The purpose of this council is to advance the goal of safe use of media and technology by students and teachers in public elementary and secondary schools in the Commonwealth. This document has been developed for local school boards in the Commonwealth to enable such school boards to better ensure the internet safety of all students and teachers in the local school division. While this document offers recommendations, specific integration details are left to the discretion of local education agencies.

Section 22.1-24.1 of the Code of Virginia provides that the Superintendent of Public Instruction “shall establish and appoint members of the Internet Safety Advisory Council (the Council) for the purpose of advancing the goal of safe use of media and technology by students and teachers in public elementary and secondary schools in the Commonwealth.”  The statute sets out the membership of the Council.  This section of Code was added by Chapter 776 during the 2022 General Assembly. Chapter 111 (2023 Acts of Assembly) amended this section to add that the Council may collaborate with law enforcement agencies, criminal justice agencies, and other non-governmental organizations with expertise in child online safety issues and human trafficking prevention. The statute is in effect until July 1, 2024.

Model Policy concerning Internet Safety

The Model Policy concerning Internet Safety