Westward Expansion: Journal Activity

Students will create journal entries to include images and text to describe the experiences of a child on a journey out west with their family. 

First, use the Image to facilitate a discussion on westward expansion. 

American Progress

" American Progress ." Loc.gov. N. p., 2018. Web. 10 Sept. 2018.

Directions: Use question stems to facilitate a discussion on westward expansion.

1. What do you see?

2. What is most interesting in this image?

3. What do you want to know more about?

4. How might this image relate to westward expansion?

Next, allow the students to create individual journal entries detailing their experience as a child moving westward with their family.

Students can include:

  • Reasons for moving
  • Means of transportation
  • challenges
  • significant geographical details

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