How Much? (CK-12 Remix)

This activity is a modified version of the activity 9.11 Fruit Confusion and 9.12 Fruit Confusion Extra for Expertsfrom CK-12. 

This activity asks students to use a proportion to find a missing unit cost or unit weight for various amounts of fruit. This should be used as practice after students have a solid understanding of how to use a proportion to find a missing value. Each problem requires multiple steps and proportional reasoning ability. I have taken the tasks on CK-12 and created a Desmos that combines 9.11 and 9.12. There is one sample problem, four individual problems and two challenge problems for students to complete. Additionally, I have added a "clue" to some problems to provide a scaffold for students who are having a difficult time determining where to begin. You can run the Desmos activity as a teacher paced activity so that the students only see one problem at a time or you can allow the students to work at their own pace. The challenge problems should help to keep all students engaged.

Desmos Link: How Much?


Author: Mary Cavanagh, Carol Findell, Carole Greenes 

Provider: CK-12 Foundation 

Provider Set: CK-12 FlexBook 

License: CC BY-NC

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