Hanging Scales (CK-12 Remix)

This activity is a modified version of 7.8 Hanging Scales and 7.9 Hanging Scales Extras from CK-12.

In this activity, students use their knowledge of variable substitution and one-step equations to find the missing values in similar puzzles. I took the puzzles from 7.8 and 7.9 and combined them into one Desmos activity. There are instructions, an example, a few scaffolded problems and then the remaining problems. This would be a great student paced activity for your more advanced students. Students need to have a strong understanding of substitution and equality and be able to apply that understanding. While this activity does not specifically align with a single Virginia SOL, it cold be used as an extension in grades 6 and 7. It could potentially even reinforce the concept of combining like terms in grade 8. 

Desmos Link: Balance Scales


Author: Mary Cavanagh, Carol Findell, Carole Greenes 

Provider: CK-12 Foundation 

Provider Set: CK-12 FlexBook 

License: CC BY-NC

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