Media Literacy Curation

Media Literacy Curation

For the past several class periods, we have discussed news sources, how to detect fake news, ways to identify bias, and how to obtain a more centrist, less biased source. This assignment gives you an opportunity to not only demonstrate your knowledge and skills but also a chance to give your own take on the news.

This final project is a curation assignment. To curate is to pull together, sift through, and select for presentation. Like a director of a museum, you will gather sources, sort through them, identify the bias, and present your analysis.

For this curation project, you will choose one current event and provide an unbiased summary. This summary should be at least one strong paragraph that reports on the facts of the event with no editorializing. Merely describe what is going on. You will then select at least one article about the event from a source from each of the three lists below. With these articles, analyze the headlines similarly to how we have done so in class. Your analysis should be at least one strong paragraph. Finally, after analyzing each of the at least three headlines, you will write your own headline for the event, one that is as unbiased as possible.

List 1

List 2

List 3

The Atlantic

Huffington Post

New York Times




Vanity Fair



Associated Press

The Washington Post


NBC News

The Wall Street Journal

The Economist

National Review

Fox News

The Hill

Fiscal Times


Drudge Report

Washington Examiner


  • Focuses on one current event
  • Provides an unbiased summary of that event
  • Analyzes the headlines of at least one article from each list above (at least three total) in at least one strong paragraph
    • What is the main message?
    • What does the headline focus on?
    • What are the implications of the headline?
  • Provides a link for each article
  • Includes the source of each article
  • Includes a student-generated headline that aims to be as unbiased, as centrist as possible
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