Equations of a Circle

The activity includes a warm-up, practice with desmos, and review game to help students develop and understanding of equations of a circle and then practice their skills.


Which one doesn't belong?  Show students the graphic and have them discuss with a partner which one doesn't belong.  They should try to determine multiple answers and be able to explain their thinking.  Lead a class discussion on which one is different and why.  Encourage different answers and having students explain their thinking.  https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1X8CvxS6UjLXsCvFDtq3W7OK8i65NmfAsWBbGgAqEz6E/edit?usp=sharing

Concept Development 

Utilize this desmos activity created by Suzanne von Oy https://teacher.desmos.com/activitybuilder/custom/56ce011c68bdf243069f9454


This quizlet created by aconery provides a great practice for students.  I would have them work on this as an exit ticket or warm-up.  Then use the quizlet live feature in class to get students engaged and collaborating on the different aspects of the equation of a circle formula.  https://quizlet.com/_6qgetm?x=1jqt&i=1box8n

Alternate Assessment  

At the completion of the unit, have students create their own bubble wand design.  I modified this desmos activity originally by Ella Hereth.  Students will create their own bubble wand design and then if possible 3D print them.  https://teacher.desmos.com/activitybuilder/custom/5d371fa6bd3cd136f7b9bc31


- Make sure all parts of their design are connecting 

- Print at 3 - 4mm high

- You can create your own solution then have students test their wands and discuss which designs worked best and why.  Also you can award prizes for most creative, best bubble producer, largest bubble producer, etc. 

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