Planet Travel Brochure

Planet Travel Brochure


  The sixth-grade classes in Appomattox Middle School are on a fact-finding mission.  The mission is to create a brochure and presentation to promote one planet as the “Number One Travel Destination in our Solar System.”



 Get to know your planet.  Read as much information about the planet as you can find.  You will need a minimum of two resources, one internet, and one book.  You can use our classroom library, the Internet, or your own books.  As you’re reading about your planet, take notes on key information.  This will be part of your grade.  Keep track of the sources you use, because you will need to create a work cited page as well.  You will have time in class to work on the research.  Any work that is not completed in the allotted class time will be homework. 



 I will provide you with the paper you will need for your brochure.  Fold it so that you have three sections in the front and three sections in the back.

 Section 1:

Name of your planet, picture of your planet, a descriptive phrase about your planet that would make someone want to visit, and your name and class period. 

 Section 2:

Position in the Solar System:  Where is your planet located (for example, Earth is the third planet from the Sun)?  How far from the Sun does it orbit? 

Orbit:  How long does it take for your planet to orbit the Sun?  (This is one year on Earth.)  Is its orbit unusual?

Rotation on its Axis:  How long does it take for your planet to rotate on its own axis?  (This is one day on Earth.)

Appearance of your Planet:  What does your planet look like?  Are there any special things on your planet?

Section 3:

Size:  How big is your planet?  How does it rate in terms of the other planets in terms of size (is it the biggest, the smallest)?

Mass: What is your planet’s mass?  How does its mass rate in terms of the other planets (is it the biggest, the smallest)?

Moons:  Does your planet have moons?  How many?  If there are moons orbiting your planet, describe them and when they were discovered.

Rings:  If there are rings orbiting your planet, describe them and when they were discovered.


Section 4:

Composition of your Planet:  What type of planet is it (is it rocky or a gas planet)?  What is its internal composition?

Gravity:  What is the force of gravity at the surface of your planet?  (For example, what would a 100-pound person weigh on your planet)?

Atmosphere:  What is the composition of the atmosphere of your planet?  Is it a thick or a thin atmosphere?

Temperature:  What is the temperature range on your planet? 


Section 5:

Something Special:

Is there anything special about your planet?  This can often be the best part of this brochure, taking you off on interesting topics.  For example, are there 100-year long storms on your planet?  Are there giant volcanoes?  Does your planet have a very tilted axis giving it extreme seasons?  Have space crafts visited your planet?  If so, what have they discovered?  Is your planet in an orbit with another solar body?  BE CREATIVE. (1 paragraph minimum)


Section 6:

Tell why someone should visit this planet, what they might be able to see or do, what they will remember most about their visit, etc. You might want to include things they would need to be careful of, what clothes, equipment, etc. to bring. Remember, your goal is to persuade travelers to visit your planet because it’s the “Number One Travel Destination in our Solar System.”  (1 paragraph min.)



 You will need at least two sources for this project, one online and one book.  Keep track of your sources on index cards.  Then, cite your sources on a separate sheet of paper with a proper heading.    List all of your sources using the appropriate format.   We will spend time in class reviewing the appropriate format and you will receive a sample works cited page. 


 Just like a travel agent would promote their favorite travel destination, this will be your opportunity to promote your planet to the class!


 Due Date:________________________________________ 

You will hand in your planet research, brochure, and works cited page in a



 Use the following grading rubric to assess student learning.





Planet Travel Brochure Rubric




10 points

Above Average

8  points


   6 points

Below Average

4 points

Low Performance

2 points

Worked well in class and did not distract others  / Planet research (notes)






Section 1

  • Descriptive phrase

  • Name and homeroom

  • Planet picture/name

  • Spelling and grammar

  • Creative and colorful






Section 2

  • Followed directions

  • Accurate information

  • Spelling and grammar

  • Creative and colorful












Section 3

  • Followed directions

  • Accurate information

  • Spelling and grammar

  • Creative and colorful






Section 4

  • Followed directions

  • Accurate information

  • Spelling and grammar

  • Creative and colorful






Section 5

  • Followed directions

  • Accurate information

  • Well written *

  • One paragraph min.

  • Spelling and grammar

  • Creative and colorful


*Proper paragraph structure




__ x 2 = __




__ x 2 = __




__ x 2 = _




__ x 2 = __




__ x 2 = __

Section 6 *

  • Followed directions

  • Accurate information

  • Well written *

  • One paragraph min.

  • Spelling and grammar

  • Creative and colorful


*Proper paragraph structure




__ x 2 = __




__ x 2 = __




__ x 2 = _




__ x 2 = __




__ x 2 = __

Works Cited










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