All resources in ACSE UVA WISE

Technology Hero= Impacts of Computing

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This lesson will briefly introduce students to common computing systems they or their families use on a daily basis. The lesson focuses on responsible behaviors students can demonstrate to protect their information while using these computing systems. Students will learn to keep their information private, log out of shared devices, be respectful when communicating with others, and keep passwords private. All concepts are taught with the theme of becoming a technology superheros. 

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Erika Coble

Data Analysis Practice

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Students will explore Virginia and its border states (Maryland, Kentucky, West Virginia, Tennessee, and North Carolina) then pick one of them to look at data of the monthly average high and low temperatures. Students will collect the data and use it to create a graph in Google Sheets. The graph will have correct titles and labeling. Students will also learn to predict as well as compare and contrast. This lesson integrates well into Social Studies, Math, Language Arts, Science and Computer Science.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Erika Coble

Data Analysis Practice

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Students will be given bar graphs and  pie charts.  They will need to match the correct bar chart with the pie chart.  The pie charts are fraction representations of the bar graphs. Pie charts and length models broken into halves, thirds, fourths, sixths, and eighths are provided to help students see the fractional models.  All items are provided online. There are a total of 4 different models: Favorite Animal, Favorite Color, Favorite Food, and Favorite Fruit

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Erika Coble

Cheese Chaser Game

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Students will play the Game “Cheese Chase” where they learn about moving horizontally and vertically on a grid, which will be followed up by a variety of 40 gameboards where the students learn about naming cells in a spreadsheet. There are five activities where the students make bar graphs after interpreting data from a spreadsheet. 

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Erika Coble

Net Etiquette

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Students will demonstrate how technology needs to be used appropriately and how to keep themselves and others safe on the internet and devices.  In this lesson, students will learn about how to use technology appropriately and focus on the rules of Netiquette. 

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Erika Coble

Creating Strong Passwords

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Students will create a strong password to access a computer and/or website. The password must meet specific criteria. Once the students master the criteria, they will reveal their secret password with their teacher, using a highlighter and a blacklight.   

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Assessment

Author: Erika Coble

Binary Bracelets

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In this activity students will create a bracelet that represents their name in binary numbers.  This activity can be used after the teacher has discussed the binary system and how it is used in the field of computer science. 

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Mary GREER

ASCII Code Activity

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This is an activity that can be used to introduce students to how the ASCII code is used in representing letters in coding.  Students will be given a table of the ASCII code that will be used to decode words and phases.  Then students will create a message in ASCII code and exchange with a fellow student to decyper the code.  An extension of this lesson can be to intoduce students to binary code that represent each digit int he ASCII code.

Material Type: Homework/Assignment

Author: Mary GREER