All resources in VDOE Dance

Dance Arts Education and Workplace Readiness Skills

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Virginia’s dance arts instructional programs reinforce Virginia’s 22 Workplace Readiness Skills These skills are organized around three core areas that promote opportunities and reinforce student understanding of Virginia’s workplace readiness skills: Personal qualities and abilities, interpersonal skills, and professional competencies.This document highlights ways that dance arts education students are preparing for 21st Century Workplace Readiness Skills.

Material Type: Reading

Author: VDOE Fine Arts

Dance Arts SOL: Standard 9 Progression At-a-Glance

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The purpose of this document is to highlight standard nine of the 2020 Dance Arts Standards of Learning. This standard in all grade levels relates connecting dance arts content, skills, and processes to career options, college opportunities, and the 21st Century workplace. Teachers and curriculum specialists can use this document to plan a sequence of instruction for grades K-12 that prepares students for career, college, and workplace connections in dance arts education.

Material Type: Reading

Author: VDOE Fine Arts

Dance Arts SOL: 5 Cs Alignment

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The Dance Arts Standards of Learning (SOL) are intentionally and directly aligned with the skills outlined in the Profile of a Virginia Graduate. This document demonstrates conatins statements taken directly from the 2020 Dance Arts SOL document and re-organized to show alignment to the “5 Cs”.

Material Type: Reading

Author: VDOE Fine Arts

Digital Learning Integration Strategy: 3-5 The Golden Ratio in Dance

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Introduce students to the Fibonacci Series, also known as the Golden Ratio, a phenomenon in nature that has fascinated mathematicians, scientists, designers, and artists. Students will be invited to apply it to creating choreography. In the sequence, each number is the sum of the two numbers that precede it so that it begins 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, and so on forever.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: VDOE Fine Arts

Digital Learning Integration Strategy: 3-5 Worldwide Dance Event

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Participate in a local, state-wide, national, or worldwide dance event such as Dance for Kindness or National Dance Day. Students will learn the choreography and create videos of the performance. If possible, the teacher can connect with other dance groups who are also participating in the dance event and set up a video conference so that students can form deeper connections. For example, a dance teacher in Virginia can connect their students with a dance teacher’s class in Mexico. Students can also write letters to their peers around the world. Finally, the teacher, students, and other participants will submit their video submissions to the event coordinator so that they can make a worldwide dance montage.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: VDOE Fine Arts

Instructional Plan: Strong Dancers

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In this lesson, students will explore how two strong dancers create original choreography to express themselves and to share their cultural backgrounds. Students will compare and contrast two performances to determine how personality and culture can be reflected in movement.  They will create short movement phrases to express some aspect of their own personality strength.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: VDOE Fine Arts

Professional Learning: Studios, Stages, & Students: Real Reasons We Keep Coming Back

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Drawing on walls, banging on pots, dressing up, singing and dancing like everybody’s watching are ways we get ourselves out into the world. In this webinar, we’ll discuss creative thinking and joy in arts learning for students and teachers. We’ll laugh about best intentions, consider best practices in a new age, and celebrate transforming K-12 students into die-hard arts enthusiasts! Clayton Singleton is a Virginia artist, illustrator, author, and arts educator.

Material Type: Lecture

Author: VDOE Fine Arts

Professional Learning: Elements of Dance

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This webinar introduces ways to help students identify the elements of dance (body, energy, action, space, and time) and use them to explore and create. The presentation includes a discussion of how, from elementary through secondary grade levels, students can build dance skills and techniques by integrating elements of dance into their performances and by evaluating the use of dance elements.

Material Type: Lecture

Author: VDOE Fine Arts

Professional Learning: Infusing Creative Process into Middle and High School Dance Curriculum

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This workshop for middle and high school educators will connect the VDOE Dance Arts Standard of Learning strands of Creative Process and Technique and Application as they relate to dance-making. Teachers will learn tools for facilitating improvisation based on various stimuli that guides students to generate movement possibilities and then make movement choices to set choreographic phrases. The workshop will include a template for students to reflect and respond to the work of their peers. Rooted in the Elements of Dance (body, action, space, time, and energy) the activities in this workshop are applicable to all dance styles.

Material Type: Lecture

Author: VDOE Fine Arts