Using Music to Teach Figurative Language With Panic at the Disco (view)

Units included with this Open Author resource:

Learning goals:
Students will learn how figurative devices function to shape meaning., Students will learn how to employ close-reading skills to deepen understanding., Students will learn how to conduct literary analysis using close-reading skills., Students will reflect on the learning process and consider how to transfer skills to new tasks.
Close-reading, Multi-media, Collaboration, Reflection, Literary Analysis, Music, Figurative Language, Theme
VA.ELA.10.2, VA.ELA.10.2.d, VA.ELA.10.4, VA.ELA.10.4.a, VA.ELA.10.4.c, VA.ELA.10.4.i, VA.ELA.10.4.m, VA.ELA.10.6, VA.ELA.10.6.d, VA.ELA.10.6.e


This lesson uses Panic at the Disco's song, "Hey Look Ma, I Made It" to explore specific literary elements: metaphor, inversion, irony, and tone in order to consider how these devices help shape meaning. Students will work in pairs to employ close-reading skills for specific analytical tasks. They will reflect on their learning continuously throughout the lesson. The lesson will culminate with a brief analytical paragraph that asks them to consider how the figurative devices employed by the songwriters shapes meaning. Finally, they will reflect on the process of close-reading to consider how this process informed their understanding of the text and how they can transfer this skill to other analytical tasks.