Engage and Explore- Holding Charge Remix
Balloons and Static Electricity Simulation
Have students explore the simulation linked above and answer the following questions:
1) How does rubbing the balloon on the sweater affect the charges?
2) What is the overall charge on the balloon after rubbing it on the sweater?
3) What is the overall charge on the sweater after it was rubbed on the balloon?
4) How do opposite charges interact?
5) What happens when you bring the balloon close to the wall?
5) How to like charges interact?
6) Why do you think the balloon is attracted to the wall?
7) What connections can you draw between what you did with the straw and what you see in the simulation.
8) Draw and label a diagram of one of the things you observed with your straw. Explain how you think charges played a role in what you observed.