Analyzing pH: Comparing Citrus Fruits, Stain Removers and a Green Product

Activity #1

 - Setting the Stage

LEAD THE CLASS IN A DISCUSSION ABOUT: Students should carefully look at the solutions and observe - color, thickness of solution, odor, can it make bubbles by blowing a pipette in the container? Use this process to lead to further investigations:

O K W H L    

Download: OKWHL_Chart.docx

(Language Arts) Develop an understanding of consumer awareness to marketing techniques. Make a matching activity for catch phrases used on these products to attract consumers. Take a class survey: number in order of which product best matches your needs.

Shout - Set In Stains - Advanced
Spray 'n Wash - MAX Resolve Power
Oxi-Clean - Fast Acting
Clorox Oxi-Clean - Multi Purpose Stain Remover

Develop a habit of reading labels. Make a matching activity to focus on the labels:

Look for ingredients and match: (I used only the first two or three ingredients)

Shout - Surfactants
Spray 'n Wash - Hydrogen peroxide and Surfactants
Oxi-Clean - Surfactants and Hydrogen peroxide
Clorox Oxi-Clean - Hydrogen peroxide, Isopropyl alcohol, and Surfactants

Activity #2 - pH Testing

Explain the lab technique of pH testing. Tell the students that they will be using a chemically treated paper (litmus paper) and a naturally made indicator (Red cabbage) to test the pH of these products and natural citrus fruits.

Find the pH of each solution and juice of each citrus fruit using litmus paper and then the cabbage indicator. Rank in order of color from a red to yellow and then blue to violet/purple. Take a picture of these results to use as a chart later for comparison to the mystery product.

Activity #3- Analyzing the Mystery Product

Now give the students the mystery product. Read the label and the ingredients and predict what pH factor this product will have. This is the Green product: Bathroom Lime & Scale Remover. It is biodegradable and its main ingredient is citric acid.

Compare and contrast the pros and cons of all products. Ironically, the Green product cleaner is made from biodegradable elements (citric acid) and is earth friendly.

Download: Compare_and_Contrast_Pros_and_Cons_PH_Testing.docx

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