Unit "Chez Moi" La description de la chambre

 Unit “Chez Moi” La description de la chambre 

Learning goals: I can describe the objects in “La chambre de Van Gogh” and their locations.  

I can describe objects in my bedroom and their locations.


1. Start the lesson with a song by Don McLean's Vincent “Starry, Starry Night” to grasp the students’ attention. The song will leave no one indifferent.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxHnRfhDmrk

Ask the students what emotions they felt while listening to music.

 Je pense que…  Je trouve….   A mon avis…   Je pense que la chanson est triste (émouvante, touchante.)


Continue with a short biography of Van Gogh emphasizing that the artist was born in Hollande but spent many years and died in France.  

2. Project on the screen “la chambre de Van Gogh” and state the objective of the lesson.

Ask what objects the students see in the painting. Make sure the students pronounce properly the nouns.

Items in the room:

La chambre- bedroom

Une porte- door

une fenêtre- window

un lit- bed

un cousin- pillow (decorative)

un porte-manteau- hanger

le mur- wall

un crochet- hook

une serviette- towel

une chaise- chaise

une table- table

un vase- vase

un verre- glass

un tableau- painting

un miroir- mirror

une table de nuit- night table


Play a short video “La chambre de van Gogh à Arles’’ by Ventilator Films (students may watch the video and pronounce the items.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTryHW18hCQ

3. After the students have mastered the items in the room introduce

the prepositions of place

dans                    in                             

derrière              behind                  

devant                  in front of                            

entre                   between                              

sous                     under                    

sur                        on                           

prepositional phrases of place

à côté de                            next to, beside

à droite de                         to the right of

à gauche de                       to the left of

au coin de                          in the corner of

au-dessous de                  below, underneath

au-dessus de                    higher than, above

en face de                          facing, across from

près de                               near (to)


Distribute the black and white coloring sheets of Van Gogh’s room. Students will write down the description of the objects and their locations in the room. They may color it too.  C:\Users\nvburnle\Desktop\La chambre de Van Gogh.docx

Assist and guide the students in describing the room. Give the examples.

Dans sa chambre, il y a un grand lit. Sur le lit , il y a deux coussins. Au-dessus du lit il y a 5 tableau. Sur le mur, il y a un mirroir. A côté du lit, il y a une petite chaise….


Homework: Students will draw and color their bedroom, describe the objects and their locations.    

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