Fundamental Political Principles

Fundamental  Political Principles
CE.2a_Graphic_Organizer.jpgFundamental Political Principles

Fundamental Political Principles

This lesson and graphic organizer will explain to the student the fundamental political principles of government. The student will learn the meanings of consent of the governed, limited government, rule of law, democracy, and representative government.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

  • explain the fundamental principles of government.
  • recognize the fundamental principles of government in today's political environment.
  • describe how they can be part of the fundamental principles of government.

Essential Question

What principles are important for a successful government and country?


1. Introduction

This lesson introduces the fundamental political principles of government to students by them studying a graphic organizer that shows what they are and their meanings.  Students will discuss the meaning of each of the principles and demonstrate what they mean through examples and explanations. 

2. Explore

Students should use their device to research the basic meanings of consent of the governed, limited government, rule of law, democracy, and representative government.  Students should also be able to apply these terms to specific examples.  Students are to research these terms and be prepared to explain them.  Another resource for students to use is a video on these principles.

3. Explain

Tell the students they will be able to understand and explain the five fundamental political principals.  They will demonstrate this by doing the following:

  • Research the meaning of the five fundamental political principles: consent of the governed, limited government, rule of law, democracy, and representative government.
  • Using the Graphic Organizer as a backdrop, the students will create a way to display to the rest of the class the meaning of the terms, examples of what they mean, and how they apply to them personally. 

Directions: Tell the students that based on what they have read, viewed and the notes they have taken they are to create a way to present to their class the meaning of the fundamental political principles, examples of them, and their application in their own lives.  Examples of what the student can create can be a poster, presentation (i.e. PowerPoint), flip chart, or video.  Students can search the Internet to find examples of each term.  

4. Assess

Driving Question:

What are the fundamental political principles that have shaped government in the United States?

Writing assignment: Have students explain in their own words the answer to the driving question in an essay. 

Extending the lesson: Have the students select one of the fundamental political principles and explain how the United States government would be different if that principle were not included.

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