French II Unit "La mode"

French II Unit "La mode"

This board game is a great activity to review the material and prepare for the quiz or test. The game encourages students to ask and answer questions related to clothing and shopping in a collaborative manner. 


-several sets of cards (I recommend printing the game cards in card stock to ensure durability. Also, I suggest getting the cards laminated before using them, this will keep them clean and add to their durability). Storing suggestion: use small plastic bags to store them. 

I use red color for Départ and Arrivée cards and green color for Recule de 3 cases, Passe ton tour, Retourne à la case départ, Avance de 2 cases, Passe ton tour cards. I also add one card with useful phrases such as lance le dé, ne triche pas, c’est à toi.  

Download: board_game_la_mode.docx

-dice (for each group)

-chips (I use a pack of small plastic animals. I purchase the animals and dice at the Dollar Store).

Set up: Students place the cards in any pattern they choose. I have attached some examples.

Download: game_set_up.docx

Instructions: Everyone in the group chooses the chips and rolls the dice. The person who rolls the highest number goes first.

They then roll the die again and move their chip (one at a time) to a place that corresponds with the number on the die. 

They will then read out loud the question and attempt to answer it.

 If the student cannot answer the question the team members should help.


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