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  • new-moon
NASA eClips Launchpad:  Solar Eclipses
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

Video description:  Join NASA to learn more about solar eclipses, especially the awe-inspiring phenomenon of total eclipses. Find out about the unique geometry and the distances and sizes of the sun and moon as seen from Earth that allow us to witness the sun's corona or actually be in the path of totality.  Video length:  7:15. NASA eClipsTM is a suite of online student-centered, standards-based resources that support instruction by increasing STEM literacy in formal and nonformal settings.  These free digital and downloadable resources inform and engage students through NASA-inspired, real-world connections.NASA eClips Launchpad videos focus on NASA innovations and the technology that take us into the future.  These segments support project-based and problem-based learning experiences in science, mathematics, and career and technical education classrooms.

Earth and Space Systems
Material Type:
Visual Media
Betsy McAllister
Date Added:
NASA eClips Our World:  Moon Phases
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

Video Description:  What causes the phases of the Moon? From New Moon to Full Moon, the Earth-Sun-Moon system is responsible for the Moon’s changing phases. Learn more about rotation, revolution and this repeatable pattern. Video Length:  3:13. NASA eClipsTM is a suite of online student-centered, standards-based resources that support instruction by increasing STEM literacy in formal and nonformal settings.  These free digital and downloadable resources inform and engage students through NASA-inspired, real-world connections.NASA eClips Our World videos (grades 3-5) help students understand the differences between science (the natural world) and engineering (the designed world).  These video segments supplement elementary learning objectives not only in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, but also in reading, writing, visual and performing arts.

Earth and Space Systems
Material Type:
Visual Media
Betsy McAllister
Date Added: