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  • VA.ELA.11.1.d - Respond thoughtfully and tactfully to diverse perspectives, summarizin...
  • VA.ELA.11.1.d - Respond thoughtfully and tactfully to diverse perspectives, summarizin...
A Petition in the Community: Performance Assessment Grade 11
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 Students will craft a persuasive presentation of information for a cause they believe needs to be improved to convince the citizens within their home community. Students are encouraged to explore pamphlets, petitions, and commercials to best find the way that they will present their information. Additionally, students will be selecting their own, school-appropriate, topics to address. The linking factor will be a persuasive outline for each assignment.** This performance assessment was developed by a collaborative team of teachers and division staff from Middlesex, Poquoson, and West Point school divisions.

Material Type:
Chelsea Kulp
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