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  • VA.VA.K.5 - The student will describe how artists work together in a creative comm...
  • VA.VA.K.5 - The student will describe how artists work together in a creative comm...
Digital Learning Integration Strategy: K-2 Local Art Collaboration
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
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Local Art Collaboration. Facilitated by the teacher, students connect with a high school art class to collaborate within a cloud-based platform on a digital work of art. Each student has the opportunity to contribute to the work of art. During the process, students will learn from each other and gain insights into new perspectives. Students will have the opportunity to video chat with fellow collaborators when possible, and give each other feedback. At the end of the collaboration, the classes can share their artwork in a digital gallery, along with artist statements describing their ideas and process.

Fine Arts
Visual Art
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
VDOE Fine Arts
Date Added: