All resources in ACSE UVA WISE

Creating a Formula Calculator

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This resource will show how to teach your students to make their own "formula calculator" using Java programming, and it has handouts for your students or your own use. It is ideal for Grade 7 and Grade 8 Math.The video in this resource walks you through the steps to teach your students to program their "formula calculator" using Java programming after they have been taught about geometric formulas. They can then use their calculator to help them solve their math problems. It will reinforce critical thinking skills and create a deeper understanding of how the formulas work.Students can use any Java IDE or even an online IDE. The lesson can be customized based on your familiarity with Java and your students' computer skills.The handouts show how to use arithmetic operators in Java as well as some Math class methods that will be helpful. The attached program can be used as a starting point for their programs. 

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson Plan

Author: Tara Williams

Making OS Connections From Circuits and Switches Play

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The students will learn about how circuits work within a computer to not only turn the computer on, but to store/recall data, run applications, and in general respond when the mouse is clicked or a key is pressed (input/output), etc..This lesson can be created as a class with the teacher demoing what the students tell him/her/them to do or if there are enough kits students can work with partners/small groups/indivdually to create circuits and draw conclusions about how computers use circuits to operate efficiently.Suggestion:  Use this link to share with students how circuits work within the computers to store and recall memory to inspire their connective learning more :) start about 3:54 until 7:19.  This information will help students understand how electical currents are used to store information,  but also be able to make connections with what also happens when a key is pressed or the power is turned on and electricity flows through the open circuits within the computer's operating system (hardware).Video Link:   

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Interactive, Lesson, Student Guide

Author: Emily Ball

Algorithms with Hello Ruby Lesson Plan

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This lesson plan uses the Hello Ruby book, Adventures in Coding, by Linda Liukas, to teach students about algorithms and conditional loops. It contains an activity featured from the book as well as other resources that can be used in conjunction with the book. The lesson teaches 2nd grade students what an algorithm is and how they use them in everyday life. 

Material Type: Lesson Plan, Reading

Author: Dana Smith

Strong Passwords Game on Gamilab

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Strong Passwords is a "King of the Mountain" style game created using Gamilab. Students will answer ten true or false questions about passwords in order to help the climber get to the top of the mountain. It is based on SOL 3.11: The student will create examples of strong passwords, explain why strong passwords should be used, and demonstrate proper use and protection of personal passwords.

Material Type: Game

Author: Dana Smith

CS SOL 8.9 Public and Private Information Game on Gamilab

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This game created on Gamilab is from CS SOL 8.9 and is titled, “Public and Private Information.” It is a bike race game where students must correctly answer questions to advance regarding online information from the Computer Science SOL 8.9 from the strand of Impacts of Computing. To start, press the up arrow a couple of times. Please enter code G8471Tto play if you have any problems with the link.

Material Type: Game

Author: Dana Smith

Human Robots to Teach Music

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This is an unplugged activity in which students work in teams, "programming" a human-robot to find all the quarter notes. It can be used to teach/review music notes. The notes could be replaced with materials for any other subject to review math skills, history, even parts of sentences.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Jude Raffeinner