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  • authentic
Los números 0-20
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This is a video that you can show level 1 students to learn the numbers 0-20. Each number is introduced one at a time, in order and shown in a real world context to show students where they may find those numbers if they were in Spain.

Students can be given a handout with the numbers (as words in a random order) and students need to write in the numeric value next to the word as they hear it in the video.

After watching the video and reviewing the numbers, students can create basic math problems with responses that are no greater in value than 20. They can write them out in words, swap papers and answer one anothers.

Students can also verbally practice the numbers by quizzing their classmates on their math problems aloud.

As a follow up, students can work in small groups to create their own video with images of where they find the numbers 0-20 in their every day world, following the structure of the original video.

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