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NASA eClips Launchpad:  Engineering Design to Support Scientific Discovery
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

Video Description:  Engineering design and technology development support scientific discovery. Learn about the roles engineers and scientists play when working together on NASA missions like the James Webb Space Telescope and how science and engineering take turns pushing each other to move exploration forward.  Video Length:  4:16.NASA eClipsTM is a suite of online student-centered, standards-based resources that support instruction by increasing STEM literacy in formal and nonformal settings.  These free digital and downloadable resources inform and engage students through NASA-inspired, real-world connections.NASA eClips Launchpad videos focus on NASA innovations and the technology that take us into the future.  These segments support project-based and problem-based learning experiences in science, mathematics, and career and technical education classrooms.

Earth and Space Systems
Scientific and Engineering Practices
Material Type:
Visual Media
Betsy McAllister
Date Added:
NASA eClips Launchpad: Life Cycle of a Star
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

Video Description:  Each of us is made from star stuff. But how are stars formed? Take a closer look at the life cycles of stars and learn where stars come from, how they change, and what happens to stars when their lives come to an end. Find out about your connection to the cosmos.  Video Length:  6:00.NASA eClipsTM is a suite of online student-centered, standards-based resources that support instruction by increasing STEM literacy in formal and nonformal settings.  These free digital and downloadable resources inform and engage students through NASA-inspired, real-world connections.NASA eClips Launchpad videos focus on NASA innovations and the technology that take us into the future.  These segments support project-based and problem-based learning experiences in science, mathematics, and career and technical education classrooms.

Earth and Space Systems
Material Type:
Visual Media
Betsy McAllister
Date Added:
NASA eClips Real World:  Earth's Energy Balance -- Energy In and Energy Out
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

Video Description:  Balancing Earth's incoming and outgoing energy is like balancing an equation. When both are equal, Earth's energy is in balance. Learn more about how changes in this balance may impact Earth.  Video Length:  2:56.NASA eClipsTM is a suite of online student-centered, standards-based resources that support instruction by increasing STEM literacy in formal and nonformal settings.  These free digital and downloadable resources inform and engage students through NASA-inspired, real-world connections.NASA eClips Real World segments (grades 6-8) connect classroom mathematics to 21st Century careers and innovations.  They are designed for students to develop an appreciation for mathematics through real-world problem solving.

Earth and Space Systems
Material Type:
Visual Media
Betsy McAllister
Date Added:
NASA eClips Real World:  Earth's Energy Balance -- Small Changes, Big Impact
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

Video Description:  Earth's energy balance is very delicate. Small changes may have a big impact. How might changes in Earth's land and atmosphere impact this delicate balance? How might this knowledge be used to help us take better care of Earth?  Video Length:  2:31.NASA eClipsTM is a suite of online student-centered, standards-based resources that support instruction by increasing STEM literacy in formal and nonformal settings.  These free digital and downloadable resources inform and engage students through NASA-inspired, real-world connections.NASA eClips Real World segments (grades 6-8) connect classroom mathematics to 21st Century careers and innovations.  They are designed for students to develop an appreciation for mathematics through real-world problem solving.

Earth and Space Systems
Material Type:
Visual Media
Betsy McAllister
Date Added: