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  • globes
Making a Tennis Ball Globe
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A globe is a world map on the surface of a small sphere that
represents the Earth. Of all the world maps, the globe is the easiest
to understand because it gives us the most realistic picture of the
Earth and has the same attributes as the Earth; round and immense,
and impossible to see all at once. Spatial attributes such as distance,
direction, shape, and area are preserved as well as the continuity of
the all-curved surface. Globes represent the best possible map
projection because they include a minimum of distortion and are the
ultimate in geographic realism.

This lab requires students to construct 2 globes using tennis balls as the base structure and the world maps linked here.

LINK: https://prd-wret.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/assets/palladium/production/s3fs-public/atoms/files/Make%20Your%20Own%20Earth%20and%20Tectonic%20Globes.pdf

Each of the world maps is composed of twelve gores that are
designed to be attached to a tennis ball.

Each gore has a width of 30°, the time it takes the sun to travel two hours over the surface of the Earth.

The twelve gores can be cut into four groups of three gores each and glued onto the tennis ball, or the gores can be glued on as a group of twelve.

Either way, it is important to have the equator divide the tennis ball into two equal parts and for the equator to be in a straight line.

See instructions described in the link above for proper construction on pages 9 and 10 the report linked above.

Earth and Space Systems
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