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  • VA.MTH.G7.12.a - The student will solve two-step linear equations in one variable, incl...
  • VA.MTH.G7.12.a - The student will solve two-step linear equations in one variable, incl...
ASCE Region III - Computer Science and Linear Equations
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

 Your friend asked you to enter a texting/typing competition but have months to practice. We know practicing something makes you better at it.  You will be given your current speed and how well you improve over each month.  It is your job to find your texting/typing speed given a number of months that you have practiced.  You are also to look over other student’s work to see if they made an error and if so, where. 

Computer Science
Patterns, Functions, and Algebra
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Elyce Sikora
Melissa Houck
Acse Grant
Date Added: