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  • VA.SS.CE.2.b - The student will examine and evaluate the impact of the Magna Carta, c...
  • VA.SS.CE.2.b - The student will examine and evaluate the impact of the Magna Carta, c...
What's in the Declaration of Independence?
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 After explaining the Declaration of Independence to students, this is an extension activity for students to complete using the actual Declaration.  Students will look through the copy of the document (with phrases highlighted) for answers to a set of questions about the contents, issues, and people involved with the Declaration of Independence.   I also include a typed version of the Declaration of Independence for students that have trouble finding/reading cursive print so that they can still look through and see the exact contents of the document.  This helps them to analyze this document as more than just a piece of historic paper or a history lesson, but see the thoughts, issues, and clarity this document presents in starting our country.

Government and Civics
Material Type:
Primary Source
Justin Blunt
Date Added: