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VPM Computer Science Careers Across Virginia

Created by VPM under the direction of the VDOE's Office of STEM, Computer Science Coordinator.

This video series explores careers related to computer science found in the regions of the Commonwealth of Virginia. 

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Computer Science Careers Across Virginia: Autonomous Cars
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This video explores autonomous cars with a research scientist, engineer, and team lead at theVirginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI). Computer scientists are needed to program thecomputing devices that are part of the complex systems of automated vehicles.Human-computer interaction is also a critical component to the design, development, and useof autonomous cars.

Computer Science
Material Type:
Visual Media
Debbie Mickle
Trish Reed
Keisha Tennessee
Date Added:
Computer Science Careers Across Virginia: Building Rural Networks
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This video explores how GigaBeam Networks is expanding and improving the quality ofinternet access in rural Virginia by providing fiber optic internet connectivity to its customers aswell as highlighting some of the jobs available in this industry. Fiber optic cable is filled withthin glass or plastic fibers and data travels along the cable as beams of light pulsing in patternsof ones and zeroes. Fiber optic internet speed is 10 to 20 times faster than regular cableinternet. As of 2020, only about 25% of US residents had access to fiber optic internetproviders and most of that access was in and around large cities.

Computer Science
Material Type:
Visual Media
Debbie Mickle
Trish Reed
Keisha Tennessee
Date Added:
Computer Science Careers Across Virginia: Digital Shipbuilding
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From welding and paint simulators to virtually designing and creating parts for ships, this videoexplores how the Newport News Shipbuilding Apprentice School incorporates computermodeling and simulations to give apprentices hands-on experience in a safe and cleanenvironment. A model is a set of algorithms that capture the behavior of a particular system. Asimulation is the process of running the model with a program. Computer models andsimulations are all around us. They help us make predictions about things like what the weatheris going to be or the best way to tackle a particular disease. They also play an important role inpreparing for jobs, like flight simulators that can help future pilots learn how to fly and medicalsimulations that can help future nurses and doctors learn how to treat patients. Computermodels can also simulate things that are not real like the physics of gravity in video games.

Computer Science
Material Type:
Visual Media
#GoOpenVA Administrator
Debbie Mickle
Trish Reed
Keisha Tennessee
Date Added:
Computer Science Careers Across Virginia: Healthcare
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This video explores how a PhD student in the School of Pharmacy at VCU uses computerscience and virtual reality to improve patient outcomes. The primary purpose of computerscience is to use the power of computers along with human ingenuity to solve real-worldproblems.

Computer Science
Material Type:
Visual Media
Debbie Mickle
Trish Reed
Keisha Tennessee
Date Added: