11 Resources
11 Resources
12 Resources
12 Resources
9 Resources
Louisa Koch, Director, Chair NOAA Education Council, NOAA Office of Education
Marlene Kaplan, Deputy Director of Education, NOAA Office of Education
Andrew Larkin, Senior Program Analyst, NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office
Elise Trelegan, Chesapeake B-WET Program Coordinator, NOAA Environmental Science Training Center
Bart Merrick, Education Coordinator, NOAA Environmental Science Training Center
Krysta Hougen, Environmental Communication Specialist, NOAA Environmental Science Training Center
Similarly, this effort would not have been possible without the support of the district STEM administrators that provide their unwavering support of the district teachers and students they are charged to serve. They provide critical administrative, logistical, and affective support from the original development of the proposal through all facets of this effort and play a leadership role from the following participating school districts participating in this effort:
Dr. Tom Perelli, Director of Teaching, Learning and Accountability, Charles City County Public Schools
Dr. Byron Bishop, Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction, New Ken County Public Schools
Dr. Joe Douglas, Science and Social Studies Curriculum Specialists, Colonial Heights Public Schools
Dr. Rodney Culverhouse, Instructional Science Supervisor, Newport News Public Schools
Next, and most importantly, we want to recognize the tireless work of the teachers that provide the high impact environmental, life science, mathematics, technology, engineering and literacy experiences for their students on a daily basis. They played a critical role in the development of these materials. Their expertise as secondary classroom educators provided critical feedback through expert pedagogical reviews, joint focus groups and in the piloting and revision of these materials before released for broader consumption. For the second year of the grant these teachers are sincerely appreciated:
Laura Nelson-Rogers, BT Washington Middle School, Newport News Public Schools
Daniel Ellis, BT Washington Middle School, Newport News Public Schools
Laura Harrison, BT Washington Middle School, Newport News Public Schools
Amy Ziemba, BT Washington Middle School, Newport News Public Schools
Margaret Wills, Charles City Elementary School, Charles City County Public Schools
Lori Eckert, New Kent Middle School, New Kent County Public Schools
Elizabeth Day, New Kent Middle School, New Kent County Public Schools
Sara Fleenor, New Kent Middle School, New Kent County Public Schools
Tamika Hathaway, New Kent Middle School, New Kent County Public Schools
Deborah Robinson, Colonial Heights Middle School, Colonial Heights Public Schools
Carol Bennett, Colonial Heights Middle School, Colonial Heights Public Schools
Jennifer Rainey, Colonial Heights Middle School, Colonial Heights Public Schools
We also greatly appreciate our partners, both within and outside of the university, who have shared their time, expertise and subject matter expertise in science education and environmental life science. They play a critical role ensuring the STEM content is drawn and includes the latest in research, content accuracy, breadth, depth and currency as appropriate for our middle level student audience in support of our Virginia Standards of Learning. They also include their in-kind time and financial support for this effort and are identified for this grant below
Virginia Commonwealth University Grant Team
Al Byers, Ph.D., Research Assistant Professor, STEM Education, Center for Innovation in STEM Education, School of Education, Virginia Commonwealth University. Principal Investigator, NOAA B-WET Grant: BEST in Bay Watersheds.
Elizabeth Edmondson, Ph.D., Science and Mathematics Instructor, School of Education, Virginia Commonwealth University, Co-Principal Investigator, NOAA B-WET Grant: BEST in Bay Watersheds.
Sue Kirk, Education Coordinator, School of Education, Virginia Commonwealth University
James Vonesh, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Population and Community Ecology, Conservation Biology, Aquatic Ecology. Director, Center for Environmental Studies, Virginia Commonwealth University. Co-Principal Investigator, NOAA B-WET Grant: BEST in Bay Watersheds.
Dr. Greg Garman, Director, VCU Rice Rivers Center, Virginia Commonwealth University. Co-Principal Investigator, NOAA B-WET Grant: BEST in Bay Watersheds.
Rodney Dyer, Ph.D., Full Professor. Director, Center for Environmental Studies, Virginia Commonwealth University.
Todd Janeski, Director, Virginia Oyster Shell Recycling Program, VCU Rice Rivers Center, Virginia Commonwealth University
Ron Lopez, Faculty Research Association, VCU Life Sciences, VCU Rice Rivers Center, Virginia Commonwealth University
Casey Johnson, Life Science Master’s Graduate Assistant, Virginia Commonwealth University
Julia Josephs, Life Science Master’s Graduate Assistant, Virginia Commonwealth University
Nina Brundle, Life Science Master’s Graduate Assistant, Virginia Commonwealth University
Jeen Joy, Doctoral Graduate Assistant for CISTEME, Virginia Commonwealth University
Greg Sherman, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Instructional Design and Educational Technology, Radford University. Third Party Grant Evaluator for the NOAA grant.
Harrison Lake National Fish Hatchery, US Fish and Wildlife Service provided invaluable support for our teacher professional learning concerning mussel restoration, on-site tours of their facilities, and participation in live mussel restoration efforts. The mussel restoration efforts were a joint effort that also included individuals from the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and the James River Association:
Dr. Michael Odom, Project Leader, Harrison Lake National Fish Hatchery
Dr. Rachael Mair, Fish Biologist, Harrison Lake National Fish Hatchery
John Reid-Ryan, Harrison Lake National Fish Hatchery
James River Association
Chesapeake Bay Foundation
Sincere Recognition
We also want to recognize and thank Dr. Roni Linser, who served as a consultant on this particular student role play experience lending his instructional design expertise and principal authorship in generating this role play experience. If you would like to see other immersive role play simulations he has designed or learn more about his own online platform to conduct these role play simulations his work is available at Simplay.net.