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  • gumbootkwame-shaka
Professional Learning: The Artist Process & Move the Music: Stepping into South African Gumboot Dance
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Lesson Demo: Kwame Shaka demonstrates one of his most popular lessons in this active/interactive workshop. We will explore the socio-historical roots and rhythmic movement of the Gumboot Dance, an art form created by forced laborers in the mines of South Africa in the 19th century.  Learn how tempo, rhythm, and pattern are used to create a percussive and socially impactful dance. Find the potential in using the power of collective movement to build community in your classroom.Talk Back: Hear Kwame Shaka speak about his 30+ year career as a performing artist and dance educator. Kwame Shaka will discuss his origins in dance, highlights of his career and challenges faced as a professional in showbusiness and education. Learn about his Triumph of Disruption pedagogy and its correlating progressions of success in the classroom. During the talk back, participants are encouraged to ask questions and to add comments to further discussion and bring forth new perspectives.

Fine Arts
Material Type:
VDOE Fine Arts
Date Added: