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  • VA.SS.GOVT.1 - The student will demonstrate skills for historical thinking, geographi...
Desert Island Activity - Create Your Own Form of Government!
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

Designed for two 90-minute class periods. First students will imagine they are stranded on an island with no way to escape. It has all necessary resources to survive, and they have been tasked with creating their own system of government. Students will work in groups to create a government system, using slides or a poster to display their work.In the next class period, groups will take turns presentig their form of government to the class, and peers will ask them questions about their form of government and discuss if it would last several geerations. Includes Lesson Plan as well as Google Doc/PDF of student handouts and teacher/peer rubrics

American History
Government and Civics
History/Social Sciences
Social Sciences
Virginia History
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Haley Taylor
Date Added: