In this activity, students will be following an algorithm to create an …
In this activity, students will be following an algorithm to create an electromagnet. They will follow a sequence of steps and collect data on the strength of the electromagnet along the way. Once all steps of the algorithm have been completed, students will analyze the data to create a conclusion.This lesson can be found at this LINK.
Students will be using the scientific method to complete an experiment. They …
Students will be using the scientific method to complete an experiment. They will complete the first four steps of the scientific method. They will learn how to form a hypothesis, develop the steps and materials, do the experiment and collect the data. This lesson is the first of two lessons. There are four days in this lesson. The second half of this lesson is “Tell Others the Findings” which is a 9-day lesson. The total number of days for both lessons is 13 days.The link for this lesson can be found HERE.
Students will learn how to obtain, evaluate and communicate information from a …
Students will learn how to obtain, evaluate and communicate information from a scientific experiment without technology. Students will be using data to evaluate the information and develop and create models that can be used to share scientific findings from the overall experiment. They will need to use the data from the lesson “Show Me the Data.” If this has not been completed prior to this lesson, please do so now. This is a 9-day lesson.This lesson can be found at this LINK.
Students will be predicting about weather they will be getting, then using …
Students will be predicting about weather they will be getting, then using a graph to collect data about weather over a period of time. The students will be working by themselves to collect this data. After which, the students will use the data to answer questions about the information and predict the next day. The lesson can be found at this LINK.
Students will use scientific inquiry to discover if music affects memory. Students …
Students will use scientific inquiry to discover if music affects memory. Students will create a timer using Makey Makey and Scratch to help collect data. Students will then analyze the data to draw a conclusion.The lesson can be found at this LINK.
Students will use the knowledge they have about weather and what attributes …
Students will use the knowledge they have about weather and what attributes cause specific weather. In using their knowledge, they will create a game by making cards with tell-tale features of specific weather including precipitation, weather instruments, pressure, temperature, and clouds. Groups will work together to sort cards and determine weather types. In playing this game, students will notice just how many traits different types of weather share and notice similarities they may not have been as apparent to before when each data set is laid out.The lesson can be found at this LINK.
This lesson integrates Science (K.1b,c) and Computer Science (K.PS.1 and K.DA.2a-c) to …
This lesson integrates Science (K.1b,c) and Computer Science (K.PS.1 and K.DA.2a-c) to help students make connections with graphing. The lesson can be found at this link.
Ozobot needs to navigate through the maze to put the order of …
Ozobot needs to navigate through the maze to put the order of a plant cycle in order. Students need to program the Ozobot to turn corners to point the Ozobot in the correct direction to find the correct picture to match the next step of the plant life cycle. The lesson plan can be found at this LINK.
Ozobot makes a random choice to turn right or left if no …
Ozobot makes a random choice to turn right or left if no color code is provided on which way to turn on the maze. Students will determine if it is really a random choice at all. Students will have two mazes to complete and track data. Students will run the Ozobot on the first maze and count how many times it “randomly” turns right and how many times it “randomly” turns left. Students will then do the same thing on the 2nd track. Did the longer track impact the randomness of the choice? The lesson can be found at this LINK.
Students will create a interactive infographic for their research based chosen endangered …
Students will create a interactive infographic for their research based chosen endangered animal. The infographic will be interactive with the use of a Makey Makey and any conductors available. The lesson can be found at this LINK.
SummaryStudents will create a food chain model and create an interactive poster …
SummaryStudents will create a food chain model and create an interactive poster using Makey Makey. After learning about living systems and food chains, they will research and create a food chain using the correct vocabulary words to describe the food chain and transfer of energy. Students will create an interactive poster to include the illustration and record to explain the model. Collaboratively working on the poster with one partner using the computer program and the other recording to create the food chain model.Objectives●The students will create a model of the food chain showing the relationship between the organisms in an environment●The students will describe the flow of energy in the food chain●The students will correctly use science vocabulary with food chains●The students will apply interactive elements to the model using interactive poster app through Makey Makey.This lesson can be found HERE.
Students will create their own playground that they would love to have …
Students will create their own playground that they would love to have at recess or at home! They will use posterboard to create their designs and make the equipment with simple machines. After, students will create touchpoints on their pictures of their playground equipment with the Makey Makey and the Makey Makey Interactive Poster App. The students will program their touchpoints to explain the Simple Machines that are used in their equipment and how it works with force vocabulary they acquired through the research they have conducted.This lesson can be found at this LINK.
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