In this activity, students will be exploring food chains on a Coding …
In this activity, students will be exploring food chains on a Coding Map to determine how energy from the sun can help decomposers survive. Students will work in groups to find the most direct path without any overlaps to show how energy flows through a basic food chain (sun, producer, primary consumer, secondary consumer, and decomposer.) They will write about the path they took and explain how sunlight helps decomposers survive.This lesson can be accessed by this LINK.
Students will use the Makey Makey Poster app to demonstrate their knowledge …
Students will use the Makey Makey Poster app to demonstrate their knowledge of Virginia ecosystems. Students will focus on deer and how population control is so vital.The lesson can be found at this LINK.
Students will demonstrate their knowledge of populations, communities, and ecosystems by creating …
Students will demonstrate their knowledge of populations, communities, and ecosystems by creating interactive posters using Makey Makey and Scratch.The lesson can be found at this LINK.
Students will work in groups to create an educational presentation using the …
Students will work in groups to create an educational presentation using the online poster app created by Makey Makey. The students will compile and create images, videos and audio to explain the geology of the ocean floor, properties of ocean water and interaction of ocean organisms. After the information is organized, students will code for the Makey Makey control keys to display certain parts of the presentation when clicked. The lesson can be found at this LINK.
Students will review the four cloud types: cirrus, cumulus, stratus and cumulonimbus. …
Students will review the four cloud types: cirrus, cumulus, stratus and cumulonimbus. Students will investigate air pressure by doing an experiment to see the effects of air pressure. Students will learn about fronts and be able to identify the three types (warm, cold, and stationery). Students will then create conditional statements about these weather concepts using Scratch. This could be unplugged if you had block-based coding paper templates. The lesson can be found at this LINK.
In this lesson students will create a poster to relay information about …
In this lesson students will create a poster to relay information about the planets in the Milky Way. The poster will include the sun, all 8 planets, characteristics about the planets such as proportional size to one another as well as location and tell tail features. Students will not only compile and organize the information, but they will also create the poster using their own art or research and print photos of their choice. After planning, students will use the Makey Makey Sampler App as well as the Makey Makey to record audio that will play when conductive touch points are interacted with. This information will be given at the command of these touch points rather than viewers having to read the information.This lesson can be found at this LINK.
Students will use scientific inquiry to discover if music affects memory. Students …
Students will use scientific inquiry to discover if music affects memory. Students will create a timer using Makey Makey and Scratch to help collect data. Students will then analyze the data to draw a conclusion.The lesson can be found at this LINK.
Using the website (, students will create a demonstration of the relationship …
Using the website (, students will create a demonstration of the relationship between the earth, sun and moon. In this demonstration, the Earth will exhibit its revolution and rotation movement around the Sun and the moon will demonstrate how it revolves around the Earth. All movements of the celestial bodies will be done through code on lesson can be found at this LINK.
SummaryStudents will explore the steps of the scientific method by conducting an …
SummaryStudents will explore the steps of the scientific method by conducting an experiment to test their hypothesis about the amount of sunlight a plant needs to grow best. Students will create a plan to carry out their experiment as well as produce step by step instructions for the experiment to be repeated. Students will discuss an algorithm as a set of defined steps to reproduce their experiment efficiently. Finally, students will collect data and analyze it to deem the truth of their hypothesis.Objectives● The students will discuss observations they have made about plants● The students will create a hypothesis pertaining to how light effects plant growth● The students will plan an experiment to test their hypothesis● The students will collect data from the given experiment● The students will analyze data to confirm or deny their hypothesis● The students will construct an algorithm so the same experiment can be completed by othersThe lesson can be found HERE
The students will create a model/diorama/model of Virginia. They will identify key …
The students will create a model/diorama/model of Virginia. They will identify key natural resources such as forests, minerals, plants, animals, water and watersheds. They will then add a Data Center and explain the effect of this data center on natural resources. Students will use Makey Makey and Scratch to create audio clips are to explain the importance of each natural resource and the effect of data centers on those natural resources.
Students will use the knowledge they have about weather and what attributes …
Students will use the knowledge they have about weather and what attributes cause specific weather. In using their knowledge, they will create a game by making cards with tell-tale features of specific weather including precipitation, weather instruments, pressure, temperature, and clouds. Groups will work together to sort cards and determine weather types. In playing this game, students will notice just how many traits different types of weather share and notice similarities they may not have been as apparent to before when each data set is laid out.The lesson can be found at this LINK.
This is an integration guide that shows a DRAFT alignment of 2017 …
This is an integration guide that shows a DRAFT alignment of 2017 Computer Science Standards and 2024 Computer Science Standards with possible integration for Fourth Grade Science and activities. This will be updated after further resources are provided from VDOE. Fourth Grade Computer Science and Science Integration Guide
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