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  • survival
NASA eClips Our World:  Where Do We Find Extremophiles?
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NASA eClips Our World:  Where Do We Find Extremophiles?Video Description:  Where do we find extremophiles? We look for environments that push the limits for ordinary living organisms. NASA conducts analog testing in these extreme environments to better understand life on Earth and identify the potential for life in the universe.  Video Length:  3:25. NASA eClipsTM is a suite of online student-centered, standards-based resources that support instruction by increasing STEM literacy in formal and nonformal settings.  These free digital and downloadable resources inform and engage students through NASA-inspired, real-world connections.NASA eClips Our World videos (grades 3-5) help students understand the differences between science (the natural world) and engineering (the designed world).  These video segments supplement elementary learning objectives not only in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, but also in reading, writing, visual and performing arts.

Living Systems and Processes
Material Type:
Visual Media
Betsy McAllister
Date Added:
PhD Science Level 1 Module 1: Survival
Read the Fine Print
Some Rights Reserved
0.0 stars

PhD Science Grade Levels K-2 is available as downloadable PDFs. The OER consists of the Teacher Edition and student Science Logbook.

Throughout the module, students study the anchor phenomenon, life at a pond, and build an answer to the Essential Question: How do pond plants and pond animals survive in their environment? As students learn about each new concept, they revisit and refine a model that represents how plants and animals survive in a pond environment. At the end of the module, students use their knowledge of the ways plants and animals survive to explain the anchor phenomenon, and they apply these concepts to a new context in an End-of-Module Assessment. Through these experiences, students develop an enduring understanding that plants and animals have body parts that function in ways that help the plants and animals survive in their environment. Students also develop the understanding that plants and animals of the same kind are recognizable as similar but can vary in many ways and that many animal parents engage in behaviors that help young offspring survive.

With PhD Science¨, students explore science concepts through authentic phenomena and events-not fabricated versions-so students build concrete knowledge and solve real-world problems. Students drive the learning by asking questions, gathering evidence, developing models, and constructing explanations to demonstrate the new knowledge they've acquired. The coherent design of the curriculum across lessons, modules, and grade levels helps students use the concepts they've learned to build a deep understanding of science and set a firm foundation they'll build on for years to come.

Cross-curricular connections are a core component within PhD Science. As an example, every module incorporates authentic texts and fine art to build knowledge and create additional accessible entry points to the topic of study.

Three-dimensional teaching and learning are at the heart of the curriculum. As students uncover Disciplinary Core Ideas by engaging in Science and Engineering Practices and applying the lens of Cross-Cutting Concepts, they move from reading about science to doing science.

Living Systems and Processes
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Survival Stories
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

In this unit, students explore the attributes necessary for survival by reading excerpts from Julie of the Wolves, Endangered, Hatchet, and a variety of poems. With each story, students will explore if one needs more physical or mental strength, or a combination of both, in order to overcome an obstacle or problem. Students will also explore how our ability to adapt and make changes impacts our lives and ability to survive. It is our hope that this unit challenges students to think about the way in which they tackle obstacles and the power and influence they have over their own lives.

When analyzing individual stories, students will focus on explaining how scenes fit together and contribute to the overall structure of a story or poem, and summarizing a text and determining theme. After analyzing a story or poem in-depth, students will then practice comparing and contrasting across stories and analyzing the way in which different stories approach similar themes and topics. This unit places a large emphasis on the power of rereading a text in order to build deeper meaning. Over the course of the unit, students will have multiple opportunities to engage with a particular text multiple times in order to analyze and notice author's craft and additional layers of meaning.

Communication and Multimodal Literacy
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Match Fishtank
Provider Set:
Fishtank ELA
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Understanding the Animal Kingdom and Adaptations
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

In this unit, students explore the relationship between living things and their environment and how the environment can both positively and negatively impact a species' ability to survive. Using the Next Generation Science Standards as a guide, students will learn about different species, what they need for survival, their life cycle, and how they have adapted for survival. Then students will be challenged to create arguments that explain why some organisms are able to survive well, some survive less well, and others can't survive at all in certain habitats. Through this unit, along with others in the sequence, students will use the scientific information they learn to think critically about the world around them.

The Science of Living Things texts were chosen as mentor texts for this unit because the author, Bobbie Kalman, uses text features and clear language to clearly communicate complex concepts about the animal kingdom, life cycles, and animal adaptations. As readers, students will be challenged to constantly ask and answer questions about key details in the text, explicitly referring to the text to support an answer or a question. Over the course of the unit, students will also deepen their understanding of how Bobbie Kalman uses text features to not only organize information, but to help a reader learn new information and facts about a subject. Students will also work on using context clues to figure out the meaning of genre-specific vocabulary, find the main idea of a section, and explain cause and effect in relation to scientific concepts.

Communication and Multimodal Literacy
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Match Fishtank
Provider Set:
Fishtank ELA
Date Added: