This is an integration guide that shows a DRAFT alignment of 2017 …
This is an integration guide that shows a DRAFT alignment of 2017 Computer Science Standards and 2024 Computer Science Standards with possible integration for Third Grade Science and activities. This will be updated after further resources are provided from VDOE. Third Grade Computer Science and Science Integration Guide
Students will apply the skills of adaptation to environment to debug a …
Students will apply the skills of adaptation to environment to debug a scratch program. Through debugging students will fix the program to completely showcase how more than one animal adapts to the environment. Using scratch students will be able to record, move sprites, and have a interactive poster sharing about the adaptations of an octopus and shark in the ocean. The lesson can be found at this LINK.
Students will create a interactive infographic for their research based chosen endangered …
Students will create a interactive infographic for their research based chosen endangered animal. The infographic will be interactive with the use of a Makey Makey and any conductors available. The lesson can be found at this LINK.
Students will use the Makey Makey to create a simple circuit that …
Students will use the Makey Makey to create a simple circuit that will connect with the Makey Makey Counter App. They can make simple circuits with the conductors of their choosing to make their remote. Students will complete an “Escape Room” activity with the provided editable worksheet that provides review practice for Human Influences and Natural Events or any science standard! The worksheet will have questions with multiple choice answers but instead of A, B, C, D answer choices, they will be the arrow that matches the counter buttons or buttons of the students choosing. Once students have answered all the questions, they will input the code they created with their simple circuit to create the unlocking code below. They will present it to their teacher for an incentive of their teachers choosing or must go back and debug their coding before “escaping”! The lesson can be found at this LINK.
Using Arrow Cards, graph paper and an object as an “animal”, students …
Using Arrow Cards, graph paper and an object as an “animal”, students will use cards and pair programming to create the quickest route back to their natural habitat. One student will pick a card for the animal, starting point, and give directions using words like right, left, forward, turn, backward to navigate their object to the correlating ecosystem for that animal.The lesson can be found at this LINK.
SummaryStudents will create a food chain model and create an interactive poster …
SummaryStudents will create a food chain model and create an interactive poster using Makey Makey. After learning about living systems and food chains, they will research and create a food chain using the correct vocabulary words to describe the food chain and transfer of energy. Students will create an interactive poster to include the illustration and record to explain the model. Collaboratively working on the poster with one partner using the computer program and the other recording to create the food chain model.Objectives●The students will create a model of the food chain showing the relationship between the organisms in an environment●The students will describe the flow of energy in the food chain●The students will correctly use science vocabulary with food chains●The students will apply interactive elements to the model using interactive poster app through Makey Makey.This lesson can be found HERE.
SummaryStudents will explore the impact of human and natural events through play …
SummaryStudents will explore the impact of human and natural events through play as they create the scoring system using Makey Makey scoreboard app. Students will explore the impacts of human impacts (positive and negative), natural disasters, and ways to improve our world through examples on a gameboard. As they travel on the game board students will use the scoreboard app, they designed to keep track of points based on the impact on the environment to see who wins when they reach the end.Objectives●The students will investigate natural events and humans influence on ecosystem.●The students will create a score keeping system using the Makey Makey.●The students will play the human resource game to see the influence on ecosystem using the scoring system they created.The lesson can be found HERE.
Students have started the unit and have an introduction to simple machines …
Students have started the unit and have an introduction to simple machines prior to completing this lesson. Students will explore a simple machine to create an interactive poster to show the impacts of simple machines on daily life. Via incorporation of sound recordings, students will share the importance and impacts through the Makey Makey touch points on the interactive poster.The lesson can be accessed by clicking on this LINK.
Summary --Students will participate in a scientific investigation with gum. Through the process …
Summary --Students will participate in a scientific investigation with gum. Through the process students will apply and connect how algorithms and loops are part of not only computer science but the scientific method. Students gain an understanding of loops and the role they play in the overall algorithm to reach an end goal- or answer a question in the scientific process. The lesson can be found HERE.
In this intermediate lesson, it is recommended that students are familiar with …
In this intermediate lesson, it is recommended that students are familiar with Makey Makey and/or Scratch. Students will create simple circuits to create an interactive diagram of the teachers or students choice with Scratch. This lesson engages students with the idea that they can code their own displays for their water cycle model for a science museum!This lesson can be found at this LINK.
Students will create their own playground that they would love to have …
Students will create their own playground that they would love to have at recess or at home! They will use posterboard to create their designs and make the equipment with simple machines. After, students will create touchpoints on their pictures of their playground equipment with the Makey Makey and the Makey Makey Interactive Poster App. The students will program their touchpoints to explain the Simple Machines that are used in their equipment and how it works with force vocabulary they acquired through the research they have conducted.This lesson can be found at this LINK.
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