Feedback on Math Resources

by Jean Weller 4 years, 5 months ago

Rebecca, I'm really loving your remixes.  The Similar Triangles and Quadrilaterals lessons use several resources blended together to create a much stronger lesson than the original.  Great explanations about what teachers need to do, as well!



Allison Russ 4 years, 5 months ago

Rebecca, I too love your remixes! I have looked at a few and they seem like great activities that I would love to do with my classes. In the "Graphs of Quadratic Functions" resource, one of the links is to a google drawing document that I do not have access to.  Maybe you could somehow change that into a PDF so that everyone could be able to use it and you don't have to worry about people requesting access? 

Rebecca Hall 4 years, 5 months ago

Thanks, Allison!  I think I fixed it to force you to make a copy.  Can you check with you have a chance?



Jean Weller 4 years, 5 months ago

Allison, just wanted to ask you to include a note in your lesson:

The site that has the resource you use has this notice:

Free to Schools

All our materials can be downloaded for free and may be reproduced as-is for non-commercial use. Precise terms vary between materials. Enquiries to:

Please add a note to your link to this lesson that notes that the lesson itself cannot be changed.  


It's okay to use it as part of a remix becasue you are linking to the lesson itself as a whole.  Then you add some extra activities.  However, we want to ensure other teachers understand that the lesson is not openly-licensed.





Jean Weller 4 years, 5 months ago

Allison, please also do the same with and


Khan Academy is great but they drive me crazy because some things are openly licensed but others are not.  It appears to me that this resource is not openly licensed (though they don't make it easy to find that out!).  Just note for teachers that the resource itself is not openly licensed for remixing.


