Students will be practicing place value and patterns with money. The math …
Students will be practicing place value and patterns with money. The math lesson integrates the standards of data representation and computational thinking and connects it with money. They will be able to compose, decompose, and represent numbers up to 9,999 in multiple ways, Example from VA 3rd grade instructional guide, according to place value (e.g., 256 can be 1 hundred, 14 tens, 16 ones, but also 25 tens, 6 ones), with and without models.
This is an integration guide that shows a DRAFT alignment of 2017 …
This is an integration guide that shows a DRAFT alignment of 2017 Computer Science Standards and 2024 Computer Science Standards with possible integration for Third Grade Science and activities. This will be updated after further resources are provided from VDOE. Third Grade Computer Science and Science Integration Guide
Students will apply the skills of adaptation to environment to debug a …
Students will apply the skills of adaptation to environment to debug a scratch program. Through debugging students will fix the program to completely showcase how more than one animal adapts to the environment. Using scratch students will be able to record, move sprites, and have a interactive poster sharing about the adaptations of an octopus and shark in the ocean. The lesson can be found at this LINK.
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