This is an active learning lesson plan on SOL: 2.6a Use knowledge of homophones.
- Subject:
- English
- Reading
- Material Type:
- Lesson Plan
- Author:
- Kimberly Douglas
- Date Added:
- 06/28/2023
This is an active learning lesson plan on SOL: 2.6a Use knowledge of homophones.
This is an active learning lesson to help students use word-reference materials including dictionaries, glossaries and indices.
This is an active learning lesson on SOL:1.7 g The student will use adjectives to describe nouns.
This is an active learning lesson on SOL:1.5 h The student will apply phonetic principles to read and spell commonly sight words.
This is an active learning lesson for Math SOL:1.7b The student will demonstrate fluency with addition and subtraction within 10.
This is an active learning lesson plan on SOL:1.8 The student will determine the value of a collection of like coins (pennies, nickels, or dimes) whose total value is 100 cents or less.
This is an active learning lesson on SOL:1.13 The student will sort and classify concrete objects according to one or two attributes.
This is an active learning lesson plan on Math SOL:K.10c the student will describe the location of one object relative to another (above, below, next to) andidentify representations of plane figures (circle, triangle, square, and rectangle) regardless of their positions and orientations in space.
This is an active learning lesson on English SOL:K.3 f blend sounds to make one-syllable words
This is an active learning lesson on SOL:2.15 The student will a) collect, organize, and represent data in pictographs and bar graphs
This is an active learning lesson plan for 2nd grade two help students round two-digit numbers to the nearest ten.
This is an active learning lesson for 2nd grade to help students count and identify the ordinal positions first through twentieth, using an ordered set of objects.
This is an active learning lesson plan for PreK to teach students how to count forward to 20 by memory.
This is an active learning lesson plan to help students begin to identify the intial and final sounds in words (e.g., /t/ in bat)
This is an active learning lesson for PreK to help students learn to show accuracy in demonstrating one-to-one correspondence for up to 10 objects (CD3.1s)
This is an active learning lesson for PreK to help students begin to identify the initial and final sound in words (e.g., /b/ in bat).
This is an active learning lesson plan for PreK to help students to begin to identify the initial and final sounds in words (e.g., /b/ in bat).
This is an active learning lesson for PreK students to help them begin to rhyme and produce rhymes of simple words.
This is an active learning lesson plan for PreK for the following standards:Identifies, duplicates, extends, and creates simple repeating patterns (CD3.4l)Fills in missing elements of simple, repeating patterns (CD3.4m) Recognizes, names, and extends simple repeating patterns (CD3.4n)
This is an active learning lesson plan for PreK for the following standards:Correctly names squares, rectangles and triangles regardless of size or orientation (CD3.3t)Describes attributes of two and three dimensional shapes (e.g., “A square has four corners/angles”, “a triangle has three straight sides”) (CD3.3u)