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  • deforestation
NASA eClips Real World:  Earth's Energy Balance -- Small Changes, Big Impact
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

Video Description:  Earth's energy balance is very delicate. Small changes may have a big impact. How might changes in Earth's land and atmosphere impact this delicate balance? How might this knowledge be used to help us take better care of Earth?  Video Length:  2:31.NASA eClipsTM is a suite of online student-centered, standards-based resources that support instruction by increasing STEM literacy in formal and nonformal settings.  These free digital and downloadable resources inform and engage students through NASA-inspired, real-world connections.NASA eClips Real World segments (grades 6-8) connect classroom mathematics to 21st Century careers and innovations.  They are designed for students to develop an appreciation for mathematics through real-world problem solving.

Earth and Space Systems
Material Type:
Visual Media
Betsy McAllister
Date Added:
NASA eClips Real World:  The Carbon Cycle - Essential for Life on Earth
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

 NASA eClips Real World:  The Carbon Cycle - Essential for Life on EarthVideo Description:  Carbon is an essential building block for life. Learning how carbon is converted through slow- and fast-moving cycles helps us understand how this life-sustaining element moves through the environment. Discover how NASA measures carbon through both field work and satellite imagery keeping watch through its eyes on the sky, on Earth, and in space.  This video won and Emmy Award in 2020.  Video Length:  5:43.NASA eClipsTM is a suite of online student-centered, standards-based resources that support instruction by increasing STEM literacy in formal and nonformal settings.  These free digital and downloadable resources inform and engage students through NASA-inspired, real-world connections.NASA eClips Real World segments (grades 6-8) connect classroom mathematics to 21st Century careers and innovations.  They are designed for students to develop an appreciation for mathematics through real-world problem solving.  

Algorithms and Programming
Data and Analysis
Living Systems and Processes
Material Type:
Visual Media
Betsy McAllister
Date Added:
Unusual Species | UNTAMED
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Learn about a variety of more "unusual species" treated at the Wildlife Center. The Center typically admits more than 150 different species each year -- while most of these animals are often the birds, mammals, and reptiles whose homes are in and around our own backyards and neighborhoods, Center staff are always prepared for any animal that might come through the door, even if we only see that species once every year or so!  When the Center admits an unusual or uncommon species of wildlife, the staff relies on their extensive knowledge of natural history, as well as creativity and resourcefulness. Some unusual species treated at the Center are rarely admitted due to their secretive lifestyle; some are uncommon admissions because, as a species, they are in trouble. 

Career Connections
Health and Medical Sciences
Living Systems and Processes
Material Type:
Visual Media
Trish Reed
Date Added: