Students will learn about motion in objects and coding. They will learn …
Students will learn about motion in objects and coding. They will learn vocabulary for both. They will investigate and identify what type of motion various objects or equipment have inside and outside of the classroom. Then, categorize these objects based on a motion characteristic and label. Students will continue learning Ozobot programming in an unplugged setting. Students will learn how to code by practicing with a blank coding map. They will choose which movement they want the Ozobot to get to various destinations. They will be creating a program for the Ozobot to move about the map area and recognize the variety of motions. This lesson is planned as a 7-day unit.Lesson for the link can be found HERE.
This lesson can be found HERE. SummaryStudents will be using Ozobots and mazes …
This lesson can be found HERE. SummaryStudents will be using Ozobots and mazes to identify different types of motion and vibrations. The students will be working in a group to code using the Ozobots. The students will have accomplished the task when they successfully make it through the maze using the Ozobots to the preferred type of motion or vibration.Objectives● The students will compare the movement of two different objects.● The students will make and communicate observations of an object with rapid back-and-forth motion (vibration).● The students will construct a sequence of steps to accomplish an activity (unplugged).● The students will recognize that a sequence of steps when using a computer is called a program.● The students will understand that algorithms and/or programs may not always work correctly.● The students will debug an algorithm (e.g., character is not moving as intended).
SummaryDuring this lesson, the students will learn about migration through research and …
SummaryDuring this lesson, the students will learn about migration through research and discussion. Then, they will use Ozobots and a map to demonstrate their learning based on their research and the class discussion.Objectives● The students will compare the activities of some common animals during summer and winter bydescribing changes in their behaviors and their body coverings.● The students will individually and/or as a class, construct a sequence of steps to accomplish an activity.● The students will identify a section of repeated actions to replace with a loop.● The students will be given a sequence of steps that include a loop to predict the next step in thesequence.The link to the lesson can be found HERE.
SummaryStudents will be using Ozobots and mazes to identify different types of …
SummaryStudents will be using Ozobots and mazes to identify different types of motion and vibrations. The students will be working in a group to code using the Ozobots. The students will have accomplished the task when they successfully make it through the maze using the Ozobots to the preferred type of motion or vibration.Objectives● The students will compare the movement of two different objects.● The students will make and communicate observations of an object with rapid back-and-forth motion (vibration).● The students will construct a sequence of steps to accomplish an activity (unplugged).● The students will recognize that a sequence of steps when using a computer is called a program.● The students will understand that algorithms and/or programs may not always work correctly.● The students will debug an algorithm (e.g., character is not moving as intended).The lesson can be found HERE.
Students will learn how to obtain, evaluate and communicate information from a …
Students will learn how to obtain, evaluate and communicate information from a scientific experiment without technology. Students will be using data to evaluate the information and develop and create models that can be used to share scientific findings from the overall experiment. They will need to use the data from the lesson “Show Me the Data.” If this has not been completed prior to this lesson, please do so now. This is a 9-day lesson.This lesson can be found at this LINK.
Objectives The students will…● Investigate and understand that the sun’s relative position …
Objectives The students will…● Investigate and understand that the sun’s relative position changes in the Earth’s sky throughout the day.● Identify which locations are east and west.● Construct and test an algorithm that includes sequencing and an event.● Describe and discuss the concept of debugging.● Analyze and explain the results of their algorithm.● Revise and improve their algorithm to produce the desired outcomes. The lesson can be found at this LINK.
SummaryStudents will explore the steps of the scientific method by conducting an …
SummaryStudents will explore the steps of the scientific method by conducting an experiment to test their hypothesis about the amount of sunlight a plant needs to grow best. Students will create a plan to carry out their experiment as well as produce step by step instructions for the experiment to be repeated. Students will discuss an algorithm as a set of defined steps to reproduce their experiment efficiently. Finally, students will collect data and analyze it to deem the truth of their hypothesis.Objectives● The students will discuss observations they have made about plants● The students will create a hypothesis pertaining to how light effects plant growth● The students will plan an experiment to test their hypothesis● The students will collect data from the given experiment● The students will analyze data to confirm or deny their hypothesis● The students will construct an algorithm so the same experiment can be completed by othersThe lesson can be found HERE
This is an integration guide that briefly describes the Makey Makey, integration …
This is an integration guide that briefly describes the Makey Makey, integration ideas, and how to include it into elementary science content. Makey Makey Elementary Science Instructional Resource
This is an integration guide that briefly describes the Ozobot, integration ideas, …
This is an integration guide that briefly describes the Ozobot, integration ideas, and how to include it into elementary science content. Ozobot Elementary Science Integration Guide
This is an integration guide that briefly describes the Code and Go …
This is an integration guide that briefly describes the Code and Go Mouse, integration ideas, and how to include it into elementary science content. Code and Go Mouse Elementary Science Integration Guide
This is an integration guide that shows a DRAFT alignment of 2017 …
This is an integration guide that shows a DRAFT alignment of 2017 Computer Science Standards and 2024 Computer Science Standards with possible integration for Fifth Grade Science and activities. This will be updated after further resources are provided from VDOE. Fifth Grade Computer Science and Science Integration Guide
This is an integration guide that shows a DRAFT alignment of 2017 …
This is an integration guide that shows a DRAFT alignment of 2017 Computer Science Standards and 2024 Computer Science Standards with possible integration for Fourth Grade Science and activities. This will be updated after further resources are provided from VDOE. Fourth Grade Computer Science and Science Integration Guide
This is an integration guide that shows a DRAFT alignment of 2017 …
This is an integration guide that shows a DRAFT alignment of 2017 Computer Science Standards and 2024 Computer Science Standards with possible integration for Third Grade Science and activities. This will be updated after further resources are provided from VDOE. Third Grade Computer Science and Science Integration Guide
This lesson integrates Science (K.1b,c) and Computer Science (K.PS.1 and K.DA.2a-c) to …
This lesson integrates Science (K.1b,c) and Computer Science (K.PS.1 and K.DA.2a-c) to help students make connections with graphing. The lesson can be found at this link.
Students will work in groups to use the Code and Go Robot …
Students will work in groups to use the Code and Go Robot Mouse to investigate and understand how a push or pull can move an object. The students will take turns using “arrow cards” to create a path that can be coded into the robot mouse to push an object (cotton ball). The students will then use string and tape to modify the robot mouse to pull cotton balls, taking turns as one is telling which way to go on the path and the other is creating the code.The lesson can be found here.
Students will be given a set of objects of different colors, shapes, …
Students will be given a set of objects of different colors, shapes, textures, and sizes. The students will investigate and sort the objects into categories based on an attribute, for example all red bears would be put together in a pile, by putting them into piles on the floor. Finally, the students will be asked to describe which attribute the pile of objects shared.Lesson can be found at this LINK
This is an integration guide that shows a DRAFT alignment of 2017 …
This is an integration guide that shows a DRAFT alignment of 2017 Computer Science Standards and 2024 Computer Science Standards with possible integration for Second Grade Science and activities. This will be updated after further resources are provided from VDOE. Second Grade Computer Science and Science Integration Guide
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