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  • VA.ELA.2.3 - The student will orally identify, produce, and manipulate various phon...
  • VA.ELA.2.3 - The student will orally identify, produce, and manipulate various phon...
3rd Grade Virginia Computer Science Curriculum Integration
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The Computer Science Office in Loudoun County Public Schools has developed this curriculum integration document to support the integration of the 2017 Virginia Computer Science Standards into core subject areas and beyond. Each CS standard was aligned to up to 3 grade level standards that made natural correlations.Additionally, many activities and resources were included to each standard to support the introduction and integration of the standard. For each of the six strands of the Computer Science Standards of Learning: Computing Systems, Networks and the Internet, Cybersecurity, Data and Analysis, Algorithms and Programming, and Impacts of Computing, we have included tiered support called "Fuel", "Spark", and "Ignite". The "Fuel" is provided to build teacher capacity and students' understanding in understanding the CS SOL. The "Spark" provides a Computer Science integrated experience into a core or speciality subject SOL. The "Ignite" section is where teachers in Loudoun County have the opportunity to share authentic learning experiences and lessons in our LCPS Computer Science Lesson Repository.This document was created as part of the Virginia K-12 Computer Science Pipeline which is partly funded through a GOVA and DHCD grant in partnership with Chesapeake Public Schools, Loudoun County Public Schools, and the Loudoun Education Foundation.

Computer Science
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LCPS CS Office
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