In this lesson plan and video, students will explore various solutions by …
In this lesson plan and video, students will explore various solutions by simulating different policies in a model and about how people have started to tackle climate change within their careers.
This video explores autonomous cars with a research scientist, engineer, and team …
This video explores autonomous cars with a research scientist, engineer, and team lead at theVirginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI). Computer scientists are needed to program thecomputing devices that are part of the complex systems of automated vehicles.Human-computer interaction is also a critical component to the design, development, and useof autonomous cars.
This video explores how GigaBeam Networks is expanding and improving the quality …
This video explores how GigaBeam Networks is expanding and improving the quality ofinternet access in rural Virginia by providing fiber optic internet connectivity to its customers aswell as highlighting some of the jobs available in this industry. Fiber optic cable is filled withthin glass or plastic fibers and data travels along the cable as beams of light pulsing in patternsof ones and zeroes. Fiber optic internet speed is 10 to 20 times faster than regular cableinternet. As of 2020, only about 25% of US residents had access to fiber optic internetproviders and most of that access was in and around large cities.
From welding and paint simulators to virtually designing and creating parts for …
From welding and paint simulators to virtually designing and creating parts for ships, this videoexplores how the Newport News Shipbuilding Apprentice School incorporates computermodeling and simulations to give apprentices hands-on experience in a safe and cleanenvironment. A model is a set of algorithms that capture the behavior of a particular system. Asimulation is the process of running the model with a program. Computer models andsimulations are all around us. They help us make predictions about things like what the weatheris going to be or the best way to tackle a particular disease. They also play an important role inpreparing for jobs, like flight simulators that can help future pilots learn how to fly and medicalsimulations that can help future nurses and doctors learn how to treat patients. Computermodels can also simulate things that are not real like the physics of gravity in video games.
This video explores how a PhD student in the School of Pharmacy …
This video explores how a PhD student in the School of Pharmacy at VCU uses computerscience and virtual reality to improve patient outcomes. The primary purpose of computerscience is to use the power of computers along with human ingenuity to solve real-worldproblems.
Dwelling on all the impacts of climate change can be overwhelming and …
Dwelling on all the impacts of climate change can be overwhelming and lead to feelings of apathy or hopelessness; that is why it is imperative that we use a solutions-based approach toteaching about the topic. Climate change is caused by both natural and anthropogenic factors which lead to higher levels of carbon in the atmosphere. There are many solutions that can be employed to fix the root cause, mitigate damage, and to help us adapt to the changes that havealready occurred. It will take a global effort to take on this global issue. The best place to start is at a local level. There are many ways we can impact the planet in a positive way. One way is to decrease the use of fossil fuels which can lead to decreased global temperatures. We can also support policies or technology that will help us become more energy efficient. Many people all around the globe have started to enact these solutions. In this lesson plan, students will explore various solutions by simulating different policies in a model and watching a video about how people have started to tackle climate change within their careers.
Climate change is impacting the James River and there are different issues …
Climate change is impacting the James River and there are different issues and solutions for different parts of the river. Travel down the James with Matt Scott of the James River Association to explore the watershed and learn about the impacts of sediment in Lynchburg, flooding in Richmond, and sea level rise and erosion in Hampton Roads. Learn about some of the solutions being used now to help tackle these problems. This video was developed to support the 6th grade Science SOLs in Virginia and associated lesson plans are available. A production of VPM in collaboration with the Virginia Department of Education.
In the Swimming with the Fishes: How Changes in Temperature Impact Survival game, students …
In the Swimming with the Fishes: How Changes in Temperature Impact Survival game, students explore how changing water temperatures impact the survival of different fish species over 100 years. Concepts addressed in the game include the difference between climate and weather, how cold-blooded vs. warm-blooded animals adapt to temperature, and environmental changes over time. There are two versions: a single-player version or a multiplayer version which is designed to be facilitated by a teacher while projecting the activity on a large screen in a whole class or small group setting so that all participants can simultaneously view the gameplay.
This lesson is designed to allow students to explore local issues to …
This lesson is designed to allow students to explore local issues to the Chesapeake Bay and its watershed.Potential topics that may arise include pollution, stormwater runoff, overharvesting of fisheries, sea levelrise, habitat destruction, or development/construction. The associated video will highlight issues relatedto sediment, storms and flooding, and sea level rise, but students can investigate any environmentalissue that is relevant to them. While issues may not all be caused specifically by climate change, theissues are exacerbated by climate change, therefore climate change is a thread throughout thewatershed investigation.
Students will make weather observations for one week utilizing the provided data …
Students will make weather observations for one week utilizing the provided data sheet. After the week of weather observations, have the students tally each type of weather they observed and color in a bar graph. At the end of the week, students will make predictions about what the weather will be like next week. Ask the students to write a one-sentence summary of the normal, expected weather for their location.
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