A "How to Video" to model CS First and SCRATCH (Block Based Coding).
- Subject:
- Algorithms and Programming
- Material Type:
- Visual Media
- Author:
- Barbara Matney
- Date Added:
- 06/17/2022
A "How to Video" to model CS First and SCRATCH (Block Based Coding).
The Progressive era is typically taught as through the lens that people shaped their world in response to the societal problems that came along with the eras of industrialization, urbanization and mass immigration to the United States. This lesson is taught through the lens that geography also shaped reform. Impacts of geography include the growth of Chicago due to its relative location as an intermediary between cattle drives and east coast cities, labor reform including building safety and the geography of buildings and fire exits, and conservative efforts such as the National Parks. This lesson is not meant to teach the entirety of the Progressive era, but a few specific points that were impacted by geography. Contains links to student materials and teacher materials for creating lesson plans.
This video is part of the Continue to Know with WHRO TV series. Watch Emily Rathbone teach about properties of addition and multiplication to understand single-step word problems of whole numbers.
Water is the great architect of Earth and a defining factor for the location and movement of life on this planet. Without water, our world would look very different; without the watersheds which capture, coalesce, move, and recycle water throughout a natural system, human and wildlife habitats would not be the same. Freshwater rivers, streams, and lakes are some of the most heavily utilized and pressured natural systems on the planet; these critical habitats have taken the brunt of negative human actions for years. Now, more than ever, we must learn to safeguard our watersheds for the protection of all life that depends on them.For more information and classroom activities, please visit The Wildlife Center of Virginia and VPM UNTAMED websites.
Students will compare propagandistic strategies in artworks to modern-day examples of persuasive techniques and create a propaganda poster for a current political leader.
Students will examine the influence of Greek and Roman mythology on art, discuss strategies of propaganda in an ancient portrait and a 17th-century cabinet, and create a campaign poster for a classroom candidate that uses Greek or Roman iconography.
Anyone who is customizing resources, or remixing as it is often called, should read these rules and notes to ensure they do the correct things when remixing. Following these rules will make your customized resources much more usable for other educators, and that is what #GoOpenVA is all about!. And the various notes probably answer questions that have already occured to you, so definitely read them all.
This is the professional learning community web pages for Radford City schools. For those venturing into virtual and hybrid learning, you'll find the Tech Tips, Resources for Virtual Learning (links), and (under the MORE Tab) Google and Seesaw resources. This is a great place to browse and learn!
Short 1.5 minute video on how to use Safer Share with YouTube
This video is part of the Learn and Grow with WHRO TV series. Watch Caroline Doughty teach about metacognition comprehension strategies.
This video is part of the Continue to Know with WHRO TV series. Watch Andrew Sytsma teach about developing vocabulary.
This video is part of the Continue to Know with WHRO TV series. Watch Andrew Sytsma teach about using details from the story to understand character development.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.
Know the signs. Talk to a trusted adult. Ask for help. Visit www.knowtalkask.org for more information.
This video is part of the Learn and Grow with WHRO TV series. Watch Amanda Knighton teach about estimating to find the sum or difference of a math problem.
This video is part of the Continue to Know with WHRO TV series. Watch Ashley Ehret teach about exponents.
This video is part of the Continue to Know with WHRO TV series. Watch Ashley Ehret teach about perfect squares.
This video is part of the Continue to Know with WHRO TV series. Watch Andrew Sytsma teach about how to recognize cause and effect.
Learn about the importance of getting outside and cultivating a relationship with nature. While there is an increasing divide between people and the outdoors, we know that deep connections with nature are important to a human’s well-being. Why do we need this connection? What do nature and wildlife do for us? Join us to hear from a variety of nature enthusiasts on how and why they relate to nature, and how we can help others continue to grow and develop their relationships with the outdoor world.
This video demonstrates how to record on-screen lessons and how to record yourself in Canvas Studio. Addresses ISTE Standards: 2.1 Learner - Educators continually improve their practice by learning from and with others and exploring proven and promising practices that leverage technology to improve student learning., 2.2 Leader - Educators seek out opportunities for leadership to support student empowerment and success and to improve teaching and learning., 2.5 Designer - Educators design authentic, learner-driven activities and environments that recognize and accommodate learner variability., 2.6 Facilitator - Educators facilitate learning with technology to support student achievement of the ISTE Standards for Students.
Beginners' French: Food and Drink
The students will learn how to talk about food in French. In particular, they will learn how to say what food they like and dislike using the verbs aimer (‘to like’), adorer (‘to love’), and préférer (‘to prefer’) and the negative structure ne … pas.